Prostate Cancer Scientific Abstracts - M. Daja
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Selected M. Daja prostate cancer abstracts
Journal: prostate cancer and prostic diseases
Pubmed ID: 12664060
Authors: Daja MM, Niu X, Zhao Z, Brown JM, Russell PJ.Title: Characterization of expression of matrix metalloproteinases and
tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in prostate cancer cell
Stromal expression of some matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) has been associated with increasing tumour burden in prostate cancer. We investigated the expression of mRNA (by RT-PCR) and protein (by zymography and western blotting) of MMPs and endogenous inhibitors (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases, TIMPs) in two parent epithelial prostate cancer cell lines and sublines of increasing invasive/metastatic potential. Expression of membrane type MMPs, MT1-MMP and MT3-MMP mRNA was higher in PC3-derived than in LNCaP-derived lines, whereas MT2-MMP mRNA expression was higher in the LNCaPderived than in PC3-derived cell lines. Active MT1, MT2 and MT3-MMP protein levels were similar in all lines, but processed MT-MMPs, indicative of latent MMP activation, were increased in more aggressive sublines. Expression of MMP-1, MMP-13 and TIMP-1 was higher in the more aggressive sublines and may be implicated in invasive/metastatic ability. Regulation of MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression may offer important therapeutic options for treating patients with prostate cancer.
Contact: Oncology Research Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, and Department of Medicine, University of New South Wales, NSW, Australia.
Journal: Molecular Urology
Pubmed ID: 11156711
Authors: Daja MM, Aghmesheh M, Ow KT, Rohde PR, Barrow KD, Russell PJ.Title: Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin in semen: a marker for early detection of prostate cancer?
The expression of the androgen receptor (AR) gene is regulated by androgens.
Although androgens down-regulate AR mRNA in most cell lines and tissues,
including the prostate, up-regulation occurs in some tissues. Androgen-mediated
reduction in AR mRNA is reproduced in COS1 cells and in the androgen-sensitive
human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP when each expresses the AR cDNA. We have
previously established that the AR cDNA contains the requisite sequences for
this down-regulation. Here we shown that androgen promoted up-regulation of AR
mRNA in two androgen-independent human prostate cancer cell lines, PC3 and
DU145, when each was transfected with a human AR cDNA. This effect was due to
the AR cDNA and not to the heterologous promoter driving AR expression. In
addition to up-regulation of AR mRNA, androgen induced comparable increases in
AR protein levels in PC3 cells stably expressing an AR cDNA (PC3/AR).
Up-regulation of AR in PC3/AR cells was accompanied by failure of these cells to
undergo desensitization or inactivation of AR following prolonged (96 h)
androgen administration, whereas the same conditions resulted in desensitization
of AR transactivation in LNCaP cells and in CVl cells that stably express the AR
cDNA. Androgen treatment of PC3/AR cells resulted in induction of an
androgen-regulated reporter gene (MMTV-CAT) as well as the native
prostate-specific antigen gene, which is silent in untransfected PC3 but is
androgen up-regulated in LNCaP and in the prostate. These results suggest that
ectopic expression of AR in androgen-independent prostate cancer cell lines
establishes both typical and atypical androgenic responses in a target
gene-specific manner. Androgenic up-regulation of AR cDNA expression may be due
to distinct signaling mechanisms that influence androgen action in
androgen-independent prostate cancer cells.